
Restaurant that does not use an INKAS POS system.
Quick Tips

Cutting Costs Without Cutting Corners: Optimized Spending for Canadian Restaurants

Operating a restaurant in Canada can be rewarding; but there are many challenges along the way; one of which is controlling costs. Supplies; fluctuating seasonal demands; and equipment, for example, are all thi...

Themed restaurant that uses a POS system.
Quick Tips

Experiential Restaurant Trends in Canada: Creating Memorable Meal Experiences

The restaurant scene in Canada is evolving, with more of them focusing on creating immersive, and memorable experiences rather than just serving food. As competition intensifies, and consumer expectations rise,...

Trendy restaurant that uses an INKAS Payments POS system.
Quick Tips

Exploring the Latest Trends in the Restaurant Industry

The restaurant industry can be a competitive one; but how do you stay ahead of the competition to keep growing your business? After having dealt with thousands of restaurant owners, INKAS Payments may be able t...

Online payment processing user receives a package; and POS hardware.
Quick Tips

Make Sure Your E-Commerce Business is on Trend

Day by day more small, and medium sized businesses are turning to the digital marketplace, in their effort to scale. At INKAS® Payments we work with thousands of businesses each year; many of whom rely on e-com...

Quick Tips

Protecting Your Customers: POS Security Information You Need to Know

Making sure your customers feel comfortable is essential to establishing a lasting connection with them; and this trust is gained in a variety of ways; one of those being protecting their sensitive data. With t...

Person using a point-of-sale system.
Quick Tips

Considerations to Make When Purchasing a POS System

Purchasing a POS (Point of Sale) system is a significant moment for businesses: they, impact daily operations; affect customer interactions; and effect overall profitability. Clearly a POS system can make a maj...

Quick Tips

Costs of a POS System

Understanding the various types of point-of-sale (POS) fees is essential for businesses, to effectively manage their finances, and optimize their costs. Here is a comprehensive overview of the common types of f...

Quick Tips

Enhancing the Customer Experience

Enhancing the Customer Experience: How You Can Meet Their Needs. Whether you are in the restaurant; hospitality; automotive; or some other service producing industry, offering an unforgettable cu...

Quick Tips

Protecting Your Customers

For small businesses in the restaurant industry in Canada seamless, and reliable payment processing is crucial to help ensure you deliver the ultimate in customer service. Not only that, the efficiency of your ...

News & Events

INKAS® Payments Wins the Prestigious CanadianSME Award for Excellence in Data Privacy & Cyber Security

A Milestone Achievement We are thrilled to announce that we at INKAS® Payments have been honoured with the prestigious CanadianSME award for “Excellence in Data Privacy & Cyber Security.” This a...