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An image of various POS hardware.
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Our Customers “Dish”: Common Complaints About Popular POS Service Providers

When you are one of the largest POS system providers in Canada you tend to get alot of people who switch over from the competition; and their reasons for leaving are many. But regardless of the amount of new customers we end up satisfying with our award-winning POS service we have come to recognize some common threads about their journey to INKAS® Payments; and these may be of interest to those who deal who are in the market for a POS. Listed below are some of the most common complaints we encountered from some of the former customers of our competitors. Just bear in mind, these are their experiences not ours.


One of our largest competitors is Square; and two of the largest reasons for that is probably because, like INKAS® Payments, they offer POS service for both, online, and brick-and-mortar service; they are versatile in that regard. Not only that, they offer many tools for online merchants that can help them in their marketing efforts (eg. email automations). However, despite this, many Square users eventually turn to INKAS®; and one of the most common complaints we encounter from them that prompted their switch is the customer support they received when they experienced a technical difficulty with their Square system; some former customers citing examples such as, long wait-times; and lack of representative knowledge, as their largest pain-points. So if you feel Square’s multi-facted platform suits your business’ needs, both current, and, future, be sure you consider how much technical support you may need to avoid unnecessarily long slow-downs.


With their trendy hardware offering, and “24/7” support; Toast is another worthy rival to INKAS® Payments. Not only does Toast offer POS, they also offer tools for reporting, and kitchen operations for their restaurant-based customers. But despite this, one of the largest concerns we find of former Toast customers is the price they were paying with them. With the many options Toast offers to consumers, many who switch over to INKAS® feel that these do not outweigh the price they charge for them. And this is great for us because when these people eventually contact INKAS®, they learn about our lowest price guarantee; which makes the transition for them that much easier.


Possibly our largest rival: Lightspeed is a name that commonly crosses our ears in our conversations with our soon-to-be-customers. Lightspeed offers a range of services for a variety of industries; can satisfy both, e-commerce, and brick-and-mortar operations; and even offers capabilities that can help with a business’ accounting. However, even with all of this, we hear a common complaint about them: the complexity of their software; which may lead to users not taking full advantage of the capabilities their Lightspeed set-up offers. Ultimately, this topic is usually broached when we bring up our industry-leading integration specialties that go hand-in-hand with our award-winning customer service; but, it is a conversation we love to have.

Shopify POS

The growing name on the “POS block” is Shopify: yes, they are more than an e-commerce platform; and like Square, offers customers versatility as relates to their business’ operations: allowing them to operate on-, and offline. But like Square, INKAS® Payments has come across some common complaints from those that switch to us from them: one of the largest being lack of customization; and this is a reasonable gripe. The needs of businesses change across industries: a POS set-up for one may not be optimized for the other; and this is something INKAS® recognizes; going to tailor each customer’s POS specifically for their business’ needs.

As a reminder, though, what we mentioned here are just common complaints we hear from former customers of our competitors; but they serve a valuable point: shop around. There are alot of choices for POS systems out there, so make sure you know as best you can what you are getting into; and  hopefully what we relayed here will help you in your POS journey. But, if you need more help, reach out to one of our POS specialists to get the information you need; we always welcome such an opportunity. But even if you are just in the “snooping” stage be sure to follow us on social so you can stay current on all the latest “FYI’s” we release in our blogs.